CEO, PhD., P.E.
With over 31 years of equipment troubleshooting, plant engineering and reliability consulting, Mitchell Stansloski, Ph.D., P.E., is the CEO and founder of Red Wolf Reliability (formerly Pioneer Engineering). Having worked in the reliability and maintenance fields for over two decades, Dr. Stansloski has held various positions in manufacturing plants throughout the Midwest and Gulf Coast. With his experience as a consultant in both reliability and maintenance fields, he founded Pioneer Engineering in the spring of 2000 and renamed the company to Red Wolf Reliability in January, 2022. He made education and training a cornerstone of Red Wolf Reliability and is the sole author and developer of the course materials for vibration analysis and reliability engineering, specifically for use in public and private courses which are instructed by Red Wolf Reliability instructors. Dr. Stansloski has been a keynote speaker at several domestic and international reliability engineering industry conferences. Dr. Stansloski earned his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Ohio Northern University, his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Mississippi State University and his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Colorado State University. In addition to his role as president at Red Wolf Reliability, Dr. Stansloski served as a professor of mechanical engineering at Colorado State University from 2011-2017 where he taught mechanical vibration analysis, dynamics, reliability and the senior design practicum. Dr. Stansloski also developed a mechanical vibrations course for the University as well as headed the redevelopment of the school’s dynamics lab. He is a certified Category IV analyst by the Vibration Institute, a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the Vibration Institute and has contributed articles for publication in Maintenance Technology magazine. Connect with Mitch on LinkedIn.